- BWS (Buckau-Wolf SUPRATON)
- Honey comb type vacuum pan
- Batch & Continuous Centrifuge separator
- Broquet pump
- Multiple effect evaporator
- WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plant)
- Anaerobic digester
- Aerobic system
- Bioscrubber
- Dewatering / Desludging of biological sludge
- Evonik
- SEPURAN Green – Membrane technology for upgrading biogas efficiently
Food & Beverage
- Turnkey project for soya processing, fruit juice, soft drink plant
- Evaporator
- Plate and tubular type pasteurisers (UHT, HTST)
- Tank fabrication
- Homogenisers
- Pumps
- Process tanks
- Decanter and centrifuge clarifier
- Silo tanks
- Deaeration systems
- Blending systems
- Brewery
- Beer recovery system – recover beer from spent yeast
- Fermenters and tank fabrication
- CIP System
- Stationary spray balls
- Rotating jet cleaner
- Tanks and pipe cleaning
- Sanitary pumps and fittings
- BWS (Buckau-Wolf SUPRATON)
- SUPRATON – In line mixing
- Spray dryer for general / food application